实证分析论文 关于实证分析论文范文参考资料 实证分析论文



[摘 要] 近年来,基金论文比作为评价期刊的重要指标一直备受期刊界关注.以下载频次、被引频次和二次文献转载指标作为论文学术影响力的构成要素,以20家高校学报刊发的基金资助论文为研究样本,通过实证分析发现:基金论文和其学术影响力没有必然联系;对CSSCI来源期刊而言,其基金论文被读者高度关注,学术质量较高,而对非CSSCI来源期刊则不然;无论是否为CSSCI来源期刊,国家基金论文受读者关注的程度较高,但学术质量不一定比其他基金论文高.在编辑工作实践中,应客观理性地对待基金论文,以真正提高期刊的学术质量.

[关键词] 基金论文 下载频次 被引频次 二次文献转载 期刊评价

[中图分类号] G237 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1009-5853 (2015) 04-0029-04

Empirical Analysis on Connection between Fund Papers and their Academic Influence

Lin Lifang

(Editorial Department of Journal of Fujian Institute of Administration,Fuzhou,350001)

[Abstract] In recent years, the fund paper ratio, being regarded as an important index of journal evaluation, has been the focus of the journal. Taking download frequency, citation frequency and secondary literature selection index as the constituent elements of the academic influence and the articles supported by funds published in 20 college journals for the study sample, this paper finds from the empirical study that there is no necessary connection between fund papers and their academic influence. The fund papers published in the journals selected in the CSSCI are highly concerned by readers, and these papers also have high academic quality. But it is not the case to the fund papers which are not published in the CSSCI journals. National fund papers, whether published in the CSSCI journals or not, are highly concerned by readers, but these national fund papers do not have higher academic quality than other fund papers. In the practice of editing work, we should take an objective and rational attitude towards fund papers in order to really improve the academic quality of journals.

[Key words] Fund paper Download frequency Citation frequency Secondary literature selection index Journal evaluation

1 问题的提出


2 研究方法和数据来源


